Posted on Sep 20, 2022
Rotary Club of Webster Groves president Guillo Rodríguez (right) exchanged his club’s trading banner with Spain District 2201 Past District Governor Andrés Barriales Ardura during the Rotary Club of Gijón’s meeting on Monday, September 12, 2022. 
Gijón is a port city in the northern state of Asturias on the Atlantic’s Cantabrian Sea. The Webster Groves and Gijón clubs are collaborating in the rehabilitation of a historic 17th century chapel in Gijón. The project to repurpose the deconsecrated chapel for a community center should be completed in mid-2023.
The tradition of Rotarian visitors’ trading small club banners with their hosts was started by the Rotary Club of Galveston, Texas in 1913. Exchanging banners has been extremely popular with Rotary clubs around the world.