As always, Rotary Club Election Day arrived on the First Friday of December, and the results are in! Also as usual, it was an extremely tight race, as we elected four members to the 2025-2026 board of directors on December 6: Nancy Battersby, Ailce Duarte Fletcher, Nikki Lemley, and Claire Winkler. Congratulations to all! We extend our heartfelt thanks to the remaining four candidates, who graciously agreed to serve on next year's Board if elected: Steve Graman, Gerry Kettenbach, Dick Sant, & Margaret Weed.
As is our tradition, the name of the President Nominee was revealed at our Holiday Party held the next night at the home of Janet and Jack Pirozzi: Nikki Lemley will lead us in 2026-27, serving on next year's board with President Ryan Whittington and Immediate Past President Ted Domino, along with the three newly elected Directors. To round out the nine-member Board of Directors, Ryan will ask for the board to approve his choices to appoint as Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer, and Sergeant-at-Arms.
The city of beautiful trees, where roots of community service run very deep.
Webster Groves, MO 63119
United States of America